Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 4: Swan Lake Anyone?

Bike Distance Avg Speed Total Ascent Saddle Time Calories
75.52 miles 16.6 mph 1216 ft 00:04:32 4711 cal

Early bird gets the worm:

I hit the sack early last night with hopes that I would wake around 7AM. I have a big 73 mile day today so I want to get an early start. Since I have not had connectivity I am unsure what weather/wind awaits. Sure enough I woke up precisely at 6:55AM. Not bad eh? Shockingly my Quebec and Chicago neighbors were also up and about. I threw on my long cycling pants and smart wool pull over as it is pretty darn chilly here in the morning. I quickly packed up and had some banana bread for breakfast. I said my goodbyes and headed towards West Glacier.

I made easy work of the first 16 miles and even the 4 and 5 percent grades I encountered were no biggie! Albeit, they weren't for more than a half mile so that definitely makes a BIG difference! Eventually, I reached the West entrance, shed my warm clothes and rolled into West Glacier where I could smell eggs, bacon and coffee! I haven't had coffee in days and miss it in the morning. My neighbors at Avalanche would all be sipping their morning cup of Joe and all I could do was watch in envy. I think having a hot beverage just takes the morning chill away. Naturally, I pulled in and had a cup. Delicious! I might stop and purchase some instant stuff in my near future. :)

First Contact:

I finished up and sat outside curious to see if I could get some reception. As luck would have it I had edge service! Very bad but enough to call my Shonu and hear her voice. Was nice to speak with her and catch up. I then sent sms messages to mom and my sister as I knew they would be worried. I then turned onto route 2 and headed toward Columbia Falls some 15 miles away.

Long lunch:

The wind gods were with me today as I made good time into Columbia Falls. I was starting to get hungry and knew there was an A&W restaurant in town. Sure enough, around 10:30 I passed a giant billboard saying "A&W 1 mile ahead on the right". I pulled in and had a double cheeseburger, fries and two Pepsi. As I was eating I managed to once again get edge service only this time with data. Every notification possible started going off! I proceeded to attempt a blog uploads from the blogger app. It was taking forever (45 minutes) and eventually got stuck. I had to clear the apps data and this time I uploaded without pictures. It indicated that the publish process was successful. So, I did the other 2 days as well. Problem is that it wasn't successful! wtf Google! I then went into the Web browser and noticed that were uploaded but not published. I had to complete the task in the browser. Unfortunately day 1 and day 2 got reversed due the crappy app so sorry for that. After 2 hours I was on the road again...

Route Change:

I pulled onto route 2 and then made an immediate left onto route 206 south. This road absolutely sucked as it had no shoulder to speak of and the speed limit was 60mph! Yikes! About 2 miles in I see a van in a small parking lot waving for me to pull in. I pulled off and the gentleman said he too was a cyclist and he had a much safer route for me to take. Apparently he passed me earlier. The change would only add about 1 mile or so but heck anything is better than this! He drew a map and explained in detail how to navigate it. I thanked the man and he even gave me his pen as I managed to lose mine. The route was mostly paved with the last mile or so as gravel. Worked like a charm!

Destination on the left:

The next 40 miles were actually somewhat uninteresting until I entered Swan Lake. It was now 3:30PM and I was feeling quite good. I was kicking around the idea of skipping Swan Lake and motoring another 38 to Holland Lake. I figured I would first check out the campground and then make a decision.

I could see the Swan Lake Trading Post and Campground approaching on the left. I immediately saw that tent sites were $15 and cabins were only $25. A few miles back I was getting a little drizzled on so I figured I would see if a cabin was available in case it rains tonight . All booked. The lady was really sweet and this place actually served food in the store. I figured this place is pretty nice so I will just stay here. Besides, it wouldn't have to cook dinner or breakfast and coffee is free in the morning! Yay! They even have showers which you know I took advantage of. I contemplated using their laundry room to clean some clothes but instead did a sink wash which worked just as well. Before going to setup camp I had a scoop of Huckleberry ice cream and a sweet tea. Delicious!

After setting up camp, showering and sink washing clothes I headed inside for dinner. They custom build sandwiches so I had a turkey and ham with chips and 2 sweet teas. The lady mentioned that they had free wifi. SCORE! I found the nearest electrical outlet, parked my butt and am writing this post. They are open til nine so I might just stay here as the campground isn't all that exciting. I will most likely not have connectivity until Missoula so I want to be caught up.

I want to thank everyone for all the blogger and Facebook posts. It is really nice of you to take the time to do it and it is a joy to read them. Til next time....


  1. haha, dammit, when I saw you posting stuff in the morning and were having trouble, I was going to let you know that your campground for the evening had WiFi, so that you wouldn't waste time fighting a bad network. But I figured that suggestion wouldn't work in person, so it definitely wouldn't work from 1500 miles away. :) Anyway, good to see that you kicked ass and flew through the day with tons of time to spare anyhow; even though I kept my mouth shut, you can still tell me "I told you so". :-)

    Though I highly recommend against it, if you ever find yourself compelled to spend another 2 hours dicking around with computer junk rather than tracking mountain goats through the wilderness, see if there's something you can do about the world's worst photo-resizer, which makes all your images really small in dimension, but shockingly large in KBs (like 100KB for a 180x240px image) would just be sad to know you're pushing all those inefficiently-packed bytes through a crappy connection for very little payoff.

  2. Awesome posts...Its been interesting reading your blog ! Enjoy day 5 and more ! Be safe and enjoy the adventure !
    looking forward to hearing more..

    Cheers !

  3. The bytes talk went above me Neil!:)
    I think that morning Coffee is so important! I would need my Starbucks if I went on a bike trip!:) I guess the bike trip ain't happening for me, until Starbucks starts to rule the world!:)
    Be safe and enjoy yourself! Love reading your updates!

  4. So enjoy your posts, I feel like I'm there and here we are in sunny Florida. It sounds like quite an adventure, I've never known anyone to do this. Love to you and your beautiful wife, Aunt Susan

  5. Loving the blog as always DK! Things are really going well for you and you are meeting some great people along the way. I think though, you will be tired of banana bread after this trip - haha. I don't know how you can get moving without a hot cup of joe on a crisp summer morn ;). Love ya!

  6. It was great to talk to you too. BTW, I saw your cals burned, and just so you know, I'm eating boat loads here - hoping that my consumption will magically transport to more energy for you, and less fat on me. Isn't that how love works? ;)
    I knew you'd miss your coffee. ;) Glad to know you got a shower, and lots of good food all day too. And given your FB post, apparently your campfire site wasn't that dull. Muahs!!
