Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 10: On to Ennis

Bike Distance Avg Speed Total Ascent Saddle Time Calories
72.06 miles 15.0 mph 1947 ft 04:48:37 4535 cal

Sleepless Night:

I was unable to string more than 3 consecutive hours of sleep last night. The most consistent noise generator was interstate 15 which is less than a mile away. Semi trucks were running throughout the night and boy could you hear them. Then, I could hear something moving directly outside my tent. The camp host said that bears don't frequent the KOA but could this be the one exception? There was a light pole in the distance he shined on he front of my tent. I looked up and could see the silhouette of a rabbit grazing at the front of my tent. I let out a sigh and then had to laugh at myself. I was being surrounded by a pack of rabid rabbits! :) lastly, I woke up twice to "relieve" myself. That was the worst as the temperature last night dipped into the 30s. Brrrrr.

I woke up, ate breakfast and had a route idea. The night before Brad had mentioned how much fun he and Sarah had at Ennis. So much so that they stayed two nights at a hotel. Today's scheduled ride was 48 relatively flat miles to a KOA in Alder. Ennis is 23 miles further but there is a catch. I would need to climb 1800ft over 13 miles. Then, I would simply coast the remaining 10 to Ennis. My plan was to reassess once I reached Alder and decide then.

Cruising to Twin Bridges:

Nothing better than a southwest wind to help propel you north! The scenery was blah so the faster the better! After an hour and half I completed the 26 mile trek. I found the library on the main (and only) strip. It was closed. I decided to have a short break and enjoy the libraries outdoor seating.

Absent in Alder:

I reached Alder at around 1pm and was shocked at how lame it was. A gas station, RV park and some other random businesses. Most of these weren't even open. I found some shade, pulled over and re- hydrated as it was a scorcher out there! I decided right then that there was no way in hell that I was going to spend the rest of today and the evening here. I continued down the road and a mile later approached the KOA. There was one pop up camper and that was it. The place was a ghost town. On to Ennis.

Entryway to Ennis:

The climbing pretty much started by now. It gradually got steeper and steeper until the last 4 miles before the downhill. Then it got serious. 6,7 and 8 percent to the summit. I found my favorite gear and assumed the position. I eventually reached the summit at 6900ft! I pulled over to celebrate with a much needed Gatorade. My shirt, head sock and gloves were soaking wet with sweat. So much so that salt particles were forming. In fact, I could feel the grit on my hands. People were waving and giving me the thumbs up! I felt on top of the world!

The descent was like any other white knuckled ones in the past. I do think I will need to change brake pads when I return home. I reached Ennis around 3:15 this afternoon and searched for the campground. It was just outside of town and honestly the heat was too much so I opted for a in town motel. Guess I'm getting soft in my old age. This will make walking around town more pleasant. Maybe tonight I'll catch up on some sleep! :)

Longbranch Saloon:

Tonight I treated myself to a real Montana steak. 20 ounces of pure goodness. A fully adorned baked potatoe, some green beans and a salad. I must admit, I was a bit intimidated as I've never seen a steak this large! I was doubtful that I could consume such an enormous amount of food. Well, I'll let you look at the pictures to see what happened. :)


  1. I'd be scared of a Rabbit staring at my tent!;) I didn't realize it would get that cold at night.
    That is a lot of Steak. I wonder if these guys have heard of seitan? ;) What would Swati and I eat if we went on a bike trip?
    Love reading your blog and visualizing!

    1. You vegans would have a tough time getting enough calories on a tour. Happy your enjoying my journal. :l

      see you soon!

  2. Sounds like a good call to push on to Ennis. I hope you took some white tape out of your first-aid kit to make a big 'D' at the front of one of their signs!

    You may be a soft old motel-staying wuss, but I think now we have enough data to conclusively say that you're way faster than me. Though they may be related: you're getting to your destinations so early that you still have a few hours of afternoon heat to contend with! You're smashing my 13.9mph solo average, and over terrain that should be even slower than that average (and you aren't even getting as big of a boost as you could out of the downhills!)

    Push on into Yellowstone today? (or maybe one of the NF campgrounds just outside it?)

    1. You know me too well! I am sitting at a McDonalds in west Yellowstone relaxing before I make the last 13 mile push to Madison CG in the park. Will then go and spend two nights at Grant CG. Logistically easier to sync up with Swatz at Grant when she arrives.

    2. ha, I've been to that McDonald's! I believe I referred to it as the most expensive McDonald's in America!

      Depending on how adventurous/energetic you are (and how much of Yellowstone you're willing to see before Swati gets there), I'd recommend taking the longer (~60 mile) clockwise route from Madison to Grant, maybe checking out the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone if you get a chance (since I know you'll definitely be catching the other section of the loop when you see Old Faithful)

  3. Getting soft staying in the hotels I see. I don't blame you ONE BIT. You are sure working off the calories. Hope you enjoyed that Montana steak and "adorned" potato. Love your adjectives as always! Patiently awaiting next entry!

  4. We are getting way too much of your biological functions... can't wait to see what that 20 oz anti-vegan steak does to you. Was it beef or road-kill moose from the highway? It's hard to sleep when the trucks keep smacking into large animals all night.

  5. Thumbs up from me over here too!
    Steve - you were spared some other details. ;)
    And a real bed too. Well deserved after your long climbs. :)
