
Cross Training

Staying healthy in your 40s can be tough. Let's face it, we all want to plop on the sofa after a long day at the office and stuff our faces with chips. I am no exception! While I still plop on the sofa I also try to remain active by engaging in multiple sports throughout the week. I typically swim 2700 meters every Thursday night after work with Experience Triathlon Masters swim sessions. I also typically play ice hockey two times a week with my team Chicago Chaos and Oak Park Adult league. Early in the year I typically run to prepare for the annual Shamrock Shuffle 8k in Chicago. Even though I dislike distance running I actually managed a PR this year! Still not a fast runner but I am improving. Whenever feasible I cycle commute to the office in Rolling Meadows from my home in Oak Park (43 miles round trip).

Hopefully, all the cross training pays off and I don't experience any cardio problems on this tour! That being said, nothing can replace the actual time spent on long (70+ miles) loaded bike rides. For that I do a "test trip". This years trip was to Illini State Park.

Illini State Park:: (July 21st - 22nd)

Out and back overnight camping trip from my home in Oak Park to Illini State Park. Approximate round trip distance is 155 miles. There are several reasons for doing such a trip:

  1. Test out my new bike
  2. Ensure all my camping gear is good working order
  3. Get my butt used to long hours on the saddle (Seriously, it is a literal PITA!) :)
  4. Get some serious loaded touring practice miles under my belt!

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